


Knowing w在这里 to look for your first opportunity in the online advertising industry can be daunting. 有这么多不同的工作场所, 可用的公司类型和角色, 很难知道从哪里开始. Well fear not because we’ve pulled together a handy list of some of the most exciting opportunities in the industry for you; whether you are looking for 工作经验, 毕业生计划, 实习或者甚至是学徒计划——这份清单应有尽有.


鲍尔学院是一家独特的培训机构, 位于里面, 世界上最大的媒体公司之一. It delivers apprenticeship standard 培训 and are on the register of Government approved apprenticeship 培训 providers. It also creates and runs powerful community projects for private and public sector clients including The Prince’s Trust, Rank基金会和大彩票基金.

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2019年英国最佳数字技能和包容项目的获奖者,这是免费的, 10-week course transforms raw talent into entry-level candidates for a spectrum of ringfenced roles at big-name sponsor companies across the digital, 传媒及创意产业. Our focus is BAME/Female/Neurodiverse/Income Challenged individuals who want to accelerate their digital, 创意和专业技能. 它是由业内最优秀的人通过一系列讲座教授的, 针对, “真实世界”的体验和谷歌在线学习. 奖学金可用于支付学习期间的生活费用. 2018年的毕业生在毕业12周后就业率达到95%. 

如有查询,请浏览 (电子邮件保护) 并查看我们的insta @BrixtonFinishingSchool, Twitter @BrixtonFSchool的详细信息 www.brixtonfinishingschool.org


的代码 代表 Creativity, O机会, D小班, E授权. 它汇集了人和网络的力量, 对社会和下一代人才产生积极影响. 《彩乐园dsn》由讲习班组成, 比赛, 了解天, 工作经验, 以及在英国各城市开展创新的早期职业计划.

了解更多并申请 在这里,或电邮 (电子邮件保护).


创意导师网络 (CMN) is a London-based charity with a mission to make the creative industries more socio-economically diverse and inclusive through mentoring. 在为期16周的时间里,导师们将接受有效领导技巧的培训. Mentors embed and refine these skills throughout the programme in 1:1 sessions with mentees (aged 16-24).

合作伙伴包括索尼音乐、天空、Soho House、哈瓦斯、环球传媒和M&C萨奇.

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环球学院是一所面向10年级至13年级学生的独特学校. It specialises in broadcast and digital media and provides students with the technical skills needed to succeed in the industry. 毕业生可以在Global等公司就业或继续接受行业培训, 英国广播公司, Facebook和谷歌.

现在申请2020年9月加入10年级或12年级 在这里. 开放活动将于2019年10月、2020年1月和2020年3月举行.


即时媒体公司是一家屡获殊荣的特殊兴趣内容和平台公司. It is one of the biggest consumer media businesses in the UK and one of the largest magazine media publishers. Its purpose is to create compelling content on platforms that enhance the way people engage with what they love.

打造品类领先品牌, 直接媒体雇佣1,在伦敦有500名员工, 布里斯托尔, 伯明翰和曼彻斯特.

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我们为所有刚毕业的新人托管genemmachine进程. 这包括上班前的彩乐园dsn饮料, a designated buddy as well as objectives setting for their first 3 months within the company to fully integrate them in the business. 所有毕业生都有机会完成IPA数字课程, Facebook和Google考试,确保持续学习和发展.

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作为谷歌的数字营销学徒, 你将加入销售或市场团队,为期15个月. 在这, you will study towards a Level 3 Digital Marketing qualification delivered by Google’s academic partner WhiteHat. 在整个学徒生涯中, you will have the opportunity to work alongside a team of Googlers to solve real life problems while developing and learning from world-class digital marketing leaders.



《dsn彩乐园网址》的工作 brings together like-minded job seekers and employers with the aim of creating a happier world of work for everyone. 它与各行各业的雇主合作,在各个层面发挥作用. 无论你是职业驱动还是想在世界上做善事, 《dsn彩乐园网址》的工作有很多关于进入不同行业的建议.


邮件都市传媒是dmg Media旗下的统一广告事业部, representing some of Britain’s most popular media brands; Daily Mail, 星期日邮报, 《彩乐园dsn》, 地铁和地铁.co.uk.  

每天覆盖五分之一的英国成年人,每个月覆盖70%的人口, 它是英国最大的新闻品牌出版商. 


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The McCann Apprenticeship is a 15-month programme w在这里 you gain a Level 3 Apprenticeship while rotating around the agency’s departments to gain real world experience – a great start for anybody interested in a career in marketing communications. 

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在慷慨陈词,“以人为本,更好的结果”不仅仅是一句口号... 这就是它每天努力工作和思考的方式. That's why it’s created an apprenticeship programme and an early talent scheme that is designed to change, 发展和激励. 这些课程是为你个人和你的技能量身定制的. 你将有机会在不同的部门工作,比如规划部门, 购买或数码产品, 提供了一个探索媒体机构如何运作的绝佳机会. 

了解更多有关慷慨陈词的早期人才计划 在这里.



关键的伦敦 is a top specialist media recruitment agency that can open the door to more opportunities by giving you access to jobs across the whole media ecosystem. 受到全球120多家最具创新性和令人兴奋的机构的信赖, 品牌和科技公司, 关键的伦敦’s team of consultants are t在这里 to provide you with personalised advice based on your skills and career goals to effectively support you and your job search.
关键的伦敦 专门提供彩乐园dsn, 为客户提供营销、数据和分析招聘服务. 在这些功能中, 它提供多种服务线路,以满足各种招聘需求, 在合同, 永久和高级猎头.

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作为认可的教育机构, 社会链 work with the education authorities to create best in class learning schedule for social and digital marketing. 它将成为第一家提供播客资格的公司, 抖音和其他方面的社交媒体营销.

None of this will be provided in a classroom – all learning will be facilitated in practical environments. 整个课程还将涉及包括演讲在内的生活技能, 福利, 金钱管理和心理健康以及更传统的方面. 

社会链 are currently working on its website launch but check back soon for more information on how to apply. 


Spotify的实习一点也不传统. 你不用泡茶、拿包裹或做会议记录. 你将是重大项目的核心, 和一群充满激情的人一起创造下一个很棒的东西.

不管你学什么,总有一份实习工作适合你. 或者,如果你刚刚完成学业,也有毕业生和实习生的机会.

点击这里 了解更多. 


The 电报's Apprenticeship programmes offer a wide range of opportunities to people who are looking to start a career in the media and publishing industry.

在为期两年的课程中, you'll be able to work alongside industry professionals gaining real 工作经验 and responsibilities. 除了你的日常工作,你还要学习相关的资格证书, 学习新技能, 接受《彩乐园dsn》内部各种渠道的支持和培训,建立自己的人际网络. 

To find out more about our programmes and be notified when applications open, register your details 在这里


TIPi学院是一个选择性的, 为期两周的免费课程,向年轻人介绍数字景观. ‘Academists’ are educated on the vast range of digital paths available so that they can make an informed decision on which, 如果有任何, 他们愿意跟随.

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Totaljobs是英国领先的求职网站之一, 每月吸引1200万次访问和300万份合格求职者的申请. 平均170,包括亚马逊(Amazon)在内的数千家雇主每个月都会发布数千份工作, 天空, 维珍媒体, DHL和许多其他公司.

总部设在伦敦, Totaljobs在伯明翰有额外的办事处, 卡迪夫, 利兹, 曼彻斯特, 诺丁汉和格拉斯哥. 

了解更多 在这里.


WhiteHat is a tech start-up matching young people to the best career-focused apprenticeships on offer at some of the UK's most exciting companies; from Google and Facebook, BP和华纳兄弟. 通过与世界级的内容提供商合作提供培训, 白帽旨在为大学提供一个令人兴奋的选择.

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造波 Global Digital Futures scheme gives you direct exposure to the agency’s core digital departments, 让您沉浸在造波全球和它的客户. 在整个课程中,你将得到支持, 指导和培训,以确保您不断学习和发展.

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Xandr believe it is important to help develop and cultivate the next generation of individuals interested in digital. This is why it runs 12-month industrial placements for university students to complete in their penultimate year of university. 

这些机会在客户服务和商业团队中都有, giving students an understanding of the digital ecosystem while helping them expand their skillsets and form the basis of how to interact in a work environment.  

Getting into a digital career doesn’t mean knowing how to code or understanding the digital advertising landscape – that can be learnt.  赞德在找什么, 和价值, 个人是否对技术充满热情, 喜欢建立人际关系,乐于学习.

要了解更多信息,请联系Gabriella Soare, EMEA副招聘人员 & 亚太地区: (电子邮件保护)