
Kicking the Click-Through Addiction: a B2B marketing view


广告技术 注意 消费者行为
广告技术 注意 消费者行为 有效性 市场概述 测量

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三年前, IAB UK代表数字营销界表明了立场,并发起了首个全国反点击率日(2019年)。. 我们行业中的许多人都很熟悉仅仅基于点击率来衡量成功所带来的危害. 不幸的是, despite IAB UK’s efforts, 这种做法在全国各地的董事会和营销办公室仍然很普遍. This blog explores some of the problems that CTR dependency can cause, and suggests three proactive measures for breaking free of this bad habit.

Can’t kick the click-through addiction?

We know that measuring click-through is a bad habit, but there are many reasons it can be hard to give up. Do any of these sound familiar?

“It’s hard to imagine marketing without it.”

“I’m not sure about more useful alternatives.”

“It’s so convenient to compare against other metrics.”


There’s no one-size-fits-all solution or alternative to CTR, 但如果我们想开始改变这个行业的行为,我们可以:开始一场对话, 问问题, challenge preconceptions, and find new ways for measuring success. So, we’ll share our point of view, 也许我们可以帮助其他人采用更好的数字营销测量方法.

CTR: a barrier to conn商品检验

Whether you’re running brand campaigns or demand gen, you’re looking to develop a conn商品检验 with your target audience. The aim of B2B marketing is to start a conversation, 告诉人们你的品牌,并向他们展示你如何解决他们的商业挑战.

用户的旅程很长——通常需要18个月或更长时间——点击一下就可以达成交易. 这就是为什么B2B广告商必须专注于产生高质量的入站流量, rather than high numbers. 你可以通过高点击率的媒体渠道或策略获得数千次点击, but all too often these might not be the clicks your business needs.

What if the engagement on site is low, and the bounce rate is high? Would you consider this media channel or strategy a success? 希望不是. If you’re only focusing on CTR, 它可能会导致你投入更多的时间和精力,而这实际上是投资回报率的死胡同.

另一方面,你可能会暂停一个显示低点击率的渠道或策略. But if you don’t consider all the relevant metrics, 你没有超越用户如何参与你的广告来了解他们如何参与你的网站, you might be turning away high-quality traffic. Having a handful of users from your target audience engaging with your content and spending time on your site is surely more important than seeing “> 0.10% CTR” on your Excel report.

Adopting a more nuanced approach

品牌必须考虑在线广告对所有用户的影响,包括99用户.85% of those who have been exposed to the campaign but did not click. We have to appreciate that the media landscape has evolved. 现在我们可以使用专注于每次点击成本(CPC)或每次完成观看成本(CPCV)的模式来购买媒体渠道。, 例如.

In the case of a CPCV buying model, 我们想要的只是让用户观看该品牌的视频——我们不要求他们采取行动, so looking at CTR is irrelevant. 而如果你是基于CPC付费,你便能够确保点击率. 在这里,拥有大量的印象只会对你的品牌有利. So even though your CTR may drop, would that be a problem?

Remember, each impression is showing your brand to your target audience. 虽然他们可能不会立即采取行动,但这并不意味着他们永远不会. 此外,我们不能低估印象对间接转化的重要性. Are you tracking post-view-through conversions? It will be lower than post-click conversions, 当然, 但是,让用户看到你的广告并自然地访问你的网站不是更有价值吗, rather than merely having a high CTR?

Three proactive measures you can take

As a B2B media agency, we highly recommend that our clients track engagement on page, but this entails more than simply looking at Google Analytics data. Before launching a campaign, it’s crucial to set the right objective(s) and strategy, but also to ensure that you have agreed on relevant KPIs. 然后,以能够报告这些kpi的方式设置您的活动.

Depending on what you intend to measure, there’s a wealth of measurement and tracking solutions available:

  1. 品牌研究进行调查来比较你的品牌在特定活动前后的地位需要额外的投资和时间, but in the long run it can be exceptionally valuable. 在这里,从定性数据中获得的洞察力可以帮助你更有效地分配营销预算. 也, there are now more and more accessible, budget-friendly types of brand surveys that can be used.
  2. Attribution modelling: 广泛使用技术kpi网将使您能够开始进行完整的漏斗分析, rather than a very narrow one. 例如, 您可以使用泛光灯标签来增强个人网页,以揭示有关访问者如何与您的网站内容互动的更多信息. 结合这些广泛的数据将使归因建模方法能够更详细地了解客户旅程中真正发生的事情.
  3. 关注数据: Newer players to the market are using metrics that focus on ad attention, which sometimes use eye tracking data from an opted in panel. 随着越来越多的广告公司和品牌报告更广泛的指标范围,这些指标正迅速被推向前台. 注意 data can be used for planning, but also measurement of ads, 允许广告商基于实际用户行为从端到端增强他们的模型. 

What about CTR in moderation?

We’re not suggesting you should throw out CTR as a metric altogether. As part of a balanced KPI strategy, it can occasionally be insightful. Take social sponsored posts 例如. As 之前, a post with a high CTR might not deliver the best performance. 然而, 高点击率所表明的是,它比其他点击率较低的社交帖子更有效地吸引了用户的注意力.

现在, 这是一个深入挖掘的机会——不要简单地暂停那些点击率最低的帖子, 相反,我们应该看看哪种创造性的方法能够获得最高的点击率, 然后结合起来. We can consider: what elements performed best? Was it copy, or visual style, 例如? 如何利用这种洞察力来增加帖子的点击量,从而提高网站的参与度?  

Overcoming reliance on CTR

Although there’s no one-size-fits-all alternative to CTR as a KPI, we do have a recommendation that every brand can apply, regardless of whether it’s B2B or B2C: Always take extra care to set the right objectives for your brand 之前 you launch your marketing campaign.

确保你采用了一种可以使用相关kpi来衡量的战略方法, which have been agreed on ahead of time. 正确地设置你的广告活动,以允许正确的跟踪,总是需要更多的时间和精力, 但这是成功衡量数字营销努力的关键. 它可以为你提供有价值的信息和见解,帮助你打破对点击率的不健康依赖.


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作者:Emilie Bordbar-Ordekani和Sarah Cowan,媒体客户总监和Programmatic 洞察力 & Strategy Planning Lead

twogether Creative Ltd & 再来一个 Digital Media

twogether is a multi award-winning, global, 100% B2B technology marketing agency. 也是唯一一家提供全面服务的公司,完全整合的,内部的.

To bring your technology to life. twogether. 作为一个.

再来一个 Digital Media is a specialist B2B programmatic partner. 

发布: Friday 11 February 2022