


广告技术 音频和语音 连接电视
广告技术 音频和语音 连接电视


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CES 2024一直都很特别, but this year saw a number of key shifts that have set the agenda for where global technology goes next. 丹•派克,首席产品官 Covatic,深入挖掘了2024年国际消费电子展上出现的一些顶级趋势

The innovations showcased at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) exemplified the accelerating industry-wide shift towards AI implementation, 以消费者为中心和智能汽车.

The world’s biggest technology event was also a testament to the rising trend towards using tech for good.

无论是通过解决可访问性挑战, 解决隐私期望, 或者增加个性化, CES demonstrated that pioneers within the technology and advertising industries are increasingly aligned on their intentions.


当我们走过人工智能最初的嗡嗡声,走向它真正的影响, the versatile technology is quickly becoming integrated into consumers’ daily lives to enable more responsible, 以及包容性的消费设备.

三星, 例如, unveiled a new TV set that can be controlled with sign language – using advancements in identifying and understanding human gestures. 它还可以实时将文本字幕转换为口语.

The smart device employs a built-in AI processor that automatically upscales low-resolution content into 8K quality media and sharpens moving images.

三星 also showcased significant updates to its AI-powered companion robot, Ballie, which can now project images and videos on walls; allowing users to access information, 享受个性化服务, 并与其他智能设备进行交互.

The tech giant affirmed its commitment to helping its devices learn how to understand and support users’ daily lives better, particularly by enabling improved AI integration through the use of spatial AI and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDar) technology.

在关于人工智能对就业的风险的讨论中, 幸福, 甚至是人类本身, much of the technology showcased at CES demonstrated that AI can also be a force for good, 例如, by addressing the accessibility needs of audiences who might otherwise be excluded from the benefits of advances in media and technology.






Brands and media companies are cognisant that understanding and responding to customers’ needs and behaviour is the path to delivering better experiences.


例如,迪斯尼展示了它的dsn彩乐园网址研究, 一代流, 这提醒了我们,大多数家庭(77%)只看特定的节目, 季节性的内容, or sports together as a communal rather than just an individual activity.

Even though streaming allows for a highly personal viewing experience, certain types of content do regularly still bring families together.

The challenge for advertisers is how to target and measure these co-viewing groups among family, 朋友, 和家庭. 这是一个与手机截然不同的环境, 例如, 您可以假设一个用户在屏幕后面.

品牌必须了解与这些观看模式合作的必要性, 是否能够最大限度地与目标受众互动.


卡斯腾斯ces - 2024 -格伦- -彼得斯eoqhsffbhrk unsplash



营销人员必须不断测试, 评估, and adopt innovations that enable them to optimise their operations.

领先的广告技术, 包括那些由人工智能驱动的, will play an increased role in automating and streamlining the customer experience.

通过精确地理解消费者的行为, 个性化广告可以实时大规模地实施.


多亏了现代汽车日益紧密的联系, in-car infotainment has evolved from passive audio offerings that advertisers could use only for generic radio ads to a rich environment, enabling marketers to tap into location-based and personalised offerings.

Now, the in-car experience is as connected as the in-home experience with audio, video, text, 并且用图像来传达给观众.

这些机会可以瞄准高度活跃的用户, 包括他们开的车的类型, 他们在哪里开车, 以及他们的特殊兴趣和需求.

的研究 Futuresource, 出席活动, found that Apple CarPlay is currently installed in 98% of new cars sold in the US, 而全球有2亿辆汽车安装了谷歌的安卓汽车.

A total of 60% of all cars sold in Western markets in 2024 are projected to run an Android-based infotainment system.

随着汽车融入这些智能技术, further opportunities will open up for advertisers to reach audiences with targeted and contextually relevant content.

One technology already pushing the boundaries of in-car infotainment and interactivity over the past five years is voice assistance, 哪个在那个时候迅速流行起来.


图片来自Pixabay的Lee Rosario

信息驱动:汽车信息娱乐成为CES 2024的主要话题.

在汽车行业, marketers will also seek to tap into seamless experiences where consumers can enter their vehicles and become fully immersed; able to choose and enjoy what they want to experience, 不管是游戏, 流媒体视频, music, 或者网上购物.

The event proved that tech and advertising leaders are increasingly aligned on their intentions: to make it easier for consumers to decide what they want to engage with, 提供精简的, 通过智能设备互联客户体验, 推动人工智能创新,帮助用户完成日常任务.

然而, while consumers will be excited by the new technologies available to them, they will still have concerns about if and how their personal data is being used to achieve a more connected experience.

This needs to be at the forefront of marketers’ minds if they want to make the most of new tech opportunities; finding a balance between reaching the right audience and doing it in a responsible way.



Covatic帮助在线出版商, media companies and brands better target advertising while protecting their users’ privacy.

Our machine-learning technology doesn't rely on cookies or personal identifiers and works across across multiple platforms including mobile, web, 聪明的人, CTV原生和CTV应用. 像Bauer这样的发行商, Sky, and Octave already work with Covatic to tap into previously unavailable advertising opportunities, allowing them to gain substantial new returns on advertising spend just months after partnering with us.

发布: 2024年3月21日星期四