ShowHeroes' journey to measuring & reporting carbon emissions

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At ShowHeroes, we strive to build a responsible and sustainable adtech company, which means we aim to balance people, planet and profits. 作为可持续发展冠军,我是ShowHeroes可持续发展努力的先锋. This means focusing on building a great place to work; championing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging; contributing to environmental sustainability; giving back to communities; and ensuring we have high standards of governance.

Describe how the initiative works

Through education, leadership, and advocacy, 我努力向ShowHeroes灌输一种企业责任感. It’s about raising awareness, 与所有团队合作,影响决策制定,以培养可持续发展的文化, leading to long term benefits for all stakeholders, and the company’s bottom line. 

  • 抓住每一个机会,大声说出为什么以及如何让公司更可持续. 我首先直接与创始人交谈,以获得他们的认可和支持, 证明我了解业务,并展示了可持续发展如何与现有的业务战略联系在一起. 我开始通过与同事分享我的知识来提高人们的意识, this led to them requesting I develop workshops 彩乐园dsn行业的话题,在内部分享,也与我们的代理合作伙伴分享. This followed with creating sustainability guidelines.
  • Become the go to person for sustainability topics. 通过分享我的知识,我被要求评估公司在可持续性方面的状况, 同时审查并将ESG原则纳入我们现有的一些政策,如差旅和采购. 
  • 它也与公司的目标一致(如果你不是一个目标驱动的组织,那么你需要重新考虑你的业务). For ShowHeroes it is Better Media, based on 5 pillars: Content & Creativity, Data Ethics, AI, Environmental Footprint, and DE&I. I helped develop our Better Media Framework, 这是我们的北极星,将可持续发展置于我们活动和解决方案的核心.


To begin ShowHeroes’ sustainability journey, 我首先进行了评估,以识别和了解潜在的ESG风险和机遇. 我与我们的利益相关者接触,了解他们的需求和期望,以协调我们的可持续发展努力. By doing so, 我确定了我们在业务运营中应该努力的关键领域,在这些领域我们可以产生最大的影响. These are; energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, sustainable supply chain, data centre efficiency, sustainable advertising initiatives, ethical data usage, environmental-friendly product development, 内容制作和建立包容性和多元化的公司文化.

What budget/resource did you need to get started?

Initially I was Global Marketing Manager, so I proposed to use part of my time (20%) towards ESG topics. 


And last but not least, we partnered with two companies to measure the carbon footprint, one specifically for our advertising campaigns with Scope3, and with Cedara for our corporate carbon footprint.

What positive impact has it had?

目前,我们正在编写首份综合报告,其中包含财务和非财务数据,包括我们的ESG指标. By demonstrating our commitment to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, 良好的治理吸引了更愿意与有道德和负责任的企业合作的客户和投资者. 

我们是第一个全面测量和报告所有范围内碳排放的数字视频平台. 我们可以根据Cedara的媒体分类报告我们的排放量, 提供粒度分解到允许更大的优化和减少的类别. 这些数据正在帮助我们开始减少和补偿我们的排放. Since the majority of our emissions are from our supply chain, and with the objective of setting a net-zero target, we’re building a Sustainable Publisher Marketplace to onboard and measure our publisher partner emissions.

I launched the Green About Media podcast, where my co-host and I educate, inform, 希望能激发整个彩乐园dsn行业的真正行动.

Illustrated graphic of team mates collaborating


  • 当我们读到地球面临的问题时,我们很容易感到不知所措. 作为可持续发展的倡导者,首先要做的就是分享你的知识, raise awareness and as cheesy as it sounds, help be the change. 
  • 我们必须认识到,有时我们需要挑战在特定时间内需要优先考虑的事情. If we are always looking for consent, there will be no change. 
  • 可持续性不仅仅与环境和碳足迹有关. 人们对ESG和可持续发展总体上仍然缺乏认识和理解, not only internally but also externally.
  • Currently, there are no universal, 彩乐园dsn行业衡量和报告的商定标准, making it difficult to choose the right framework(s), collect accurate data, and ensure transparency for reporting.
  • 可持续发展应该融入公司和运营的各个方面, rather than being treated as a separate initiative. 
  • We need to track our progress and ensure accountability. 定期报告和透明沟通对于建立信任和展示进展至关重要.

Can you sum the initiative up in one sentence? 

It’s about raising awareness, education, collaborating with all teams, 挑战和影响决策与可持续发展原则, leading to long term benefits for all stakeholders, and the company’s bottom line.

优先考虑ShowHeroes在整个价值链上的可持续发展努力, 我们的《彩乐园dsn》是为了与我们所有的利益相关者一起在我们的行业中产生真正的影响. From the very beginning, 为了实现我们公司的目标,Araceli一直是推广和应用这些原则的关键部分. We take pride in having her as our 'Sustainability Champion', 向内部和外部展示这一主题的重要性,同时帮助我们推动必要的变革.

Dennis Kirschner

CMO & Co-founder at ShowHeroes Group

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